Holden Days 2024 FAQs

Jul 5, 2024 | Holden Days, Updates

Holden Days is Saturday, August 24 from 9:00am  – 3:00pm!  

Browse the most Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about this community event! 

When Is Holden Days?

Holden Days is taking place Saturday, August 24 from 9:00am to 3:00pm. It is traditionally held on the fourth Saturday of August.

Where does the event take place?

The action happens along Holden’s Main Street (put 1174 Main Street in your GPS for the central location). The event encompasses seven major venues: Damon House Marketplace, Food Court, Kids Court, Craft Corner, Art Lot, Farmers Market and Main Stage.

When does the event get underway?

Join us at 9:00am for the Kickoff Parade! The parade travels down Holden’s Main Street from Pholicious (1062 Main Street) to the Damon House (1174 Main Street). Area sports teams, dance troupes, scouting groups, local businesses and non-profits are invited to join in! Email holdendaysinfo@gmail.com to learn more.

Is there an admission fee?

The performances, activities, shuttle buses and trolley are FREE. Food and beverages can be purchased in the Food Court and the Kids Court. Merchandise sales are available throughout the different venues.

Where can I find a summary of events?
Where should I park?

Since the lots at the center of town fill up quickly, it’s best to take advantage of the free shuttle buses provided by the WRTA. These are available from 8:30am to 4:00pm.

Bus 1:
Park at Wachusett Regional High School, 1401 Main Street. Continuous loop between WRHS and Town Hall, 1196 Main Street. Departs WRHS on the hour and half hour; departs Town Hall 15 minutes before/after the hour.

Bus 2:
Park at Dawson Elementary School, 155 Salisbury Street. Continuous loop between Dawson School and Holden Dental Arts, 1116 Main Street. Departs Dawson School on the hour and half hour; departs Holden Dental Arts 15 minutes before/after the hour.

Who is performing this year?

On the Main Stage:
Midnight Riders 9:30 – 11:30am
Decades by Dezyne 12:00 – 2:30pm

At the Bandstand:
Screen Door – 10:00am to 2:00 pm

Will there be seating?

Yes, there are many tables and chairs set up in the Damon House lot (1174 Main Street) so you can grab a bite in the food court, watch the bands perform, or just relax and enjoy!

Where will I find the local artisans and crafters?

Visit the Art Lot and Craft Corner located in front of the Holden Senior Center (1174 Main Street).

Where is the Holden Farmers Market located?

New this year! The Holden Farmers Market will be in the Bubar Field to the right of the Holden Senior Center (1130 Main Street). Stop by for fresh produce and sweet treats!

What is going on in the Kids Court?

The Kids Court is filled with activities for young and old alike!

  • Music provided by OnCue Entertainment
  • Reptile Shows of New England live animal “meet and greet” from 10:00am – 2:00pm
  • Worcester County Model A Club exhibit Enjoy demonstrations, a ninja obstacle course, Worcester Railers hockey shoot out, dunk tank, crafts, ice cream truck, dance performances and more!
Does the event have restrooms?

Portable restrooms are located behind the Damon House (1174 Main Street); inside the Holden Senior Center, handicap accessible (1130 Main Street), and at the Bubar Field.

Is the Holden Days Trolley free?

Yes! Hop on the Holden Days trolley, provided by Holden Community Television, to travel from one venue to another. It runs continuously all day.

Where do I go if I have a question that day?

Please come by the Wachusett Area Chamber Information Booth located near the Main Stage (1174 Main Street).

How do I become a vendor in the Craft Corner or the Art Lot?

Please visit wachusettareachamber.org to apply. These areas do sell out so apply early!

I am a local business that would like to take part. Who should I contact?

Please contact the Wachusett Area Chamber at 508-829-9220 or visit wachusettareachamber.org to learn more about sponsorships and vendor opportunities.

Should I attend rain or shine?

Yes! Holden Days carries on whatever the August weather brings. In case of torrential rain, the Main Stage performances would move to Town Hall.

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